05 March 2010

Putting Prayer First

This week was a fairly typical week. Made lots of phone calls, dropped into a few churches. As I tried to turn on my computer this morning to get started making my calls for the day, nothing happened. That is a scary feeling. I can’t work without having my computer. All the churches I call to try to get meetings are on my computer. I have a special program just for that. Since my computer crash back in November, I have been much more careful about backing up my data, so I wasn’t worried about the data. Nonetheless, I have to have a computer to access the data. Of course my mind swirls to the worst case scenario. If I take my computer somewhere to get fixed, it may take several days - days I would not be able to work. My mind swirls deeper into the “more worst” case scenario:  What if my computer officially died and there is no reviving it? I was hoping to make this computer last at least another year (if not three). Then a thought hits me – pray about it.

It’s amazing how my mind swirls to worst case scenarios and how I will fix it and I will make it work. Well, it’s not about me. My first response is “what can I do to remedy this?” My first response should be “pray about it.” Prayer puts things first and foremost in God’s hands, not mine. Prayer shows where my trust is: in Him. Prayer helps to alleviate the worry that creeps in and soothes the frantic worst case scenario thoughts. Prayer also reminds me where my sustenance comes from. It’s amazing how something like a computer not turning on can remind you of a lesson you didn’t quite learn fully in the past, or perhaps never put into practice.

After I prayed, then called tech support, my computer did turn on and function normally. Praise the Lord! He answered that prayer quickly!

Prayer Requests:
  • Scheduling more meetings
  • Safety traveling
  • Muslim Majority Country of the Week: Nigeria. Population: 149 Million. 50% Muslim.

And as a side note, I am starting this month to put in my budget savings for that computer for when mine finally does die. If you’ve never heard of Dave Ramsey, I would highly recommend his book, The Total Money Makeover. 

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