23 March 2010

Pray for Christians in North Africa

There is a lot going on in North Africa right now, and this article will help us know how to better pray for them.  Pastor Gardner wrote this on his blog
I want to ask you to be praying for our friends that serve God in Northern Africa. There is a lot of turmoil there. Satan plays with their minds to cause them to worry. There is every reason to worry unless you consider the greatness of God and how He will work through all of this.
Here are some things to help you pray better:
The largest national newspapers are putting articles about Christianity on their front pages. One of the papers dedicated about half of the paper to the subject.
The paper reports that the American Churches have a goal to convert 10% of Moroccans by 2020. They reminded the Moroccans that the penalty of conversion is 6 months to 3 years in jail. They highlighted the testimony of one Moroccan family who had become Christians and then returned to Islam.
Though not true they reported that there are about 40-50,000 Christians in Morocco with an attempt to stir up the people.
Another day’s headlines in the newspaper were the following:
“9 centuries of missionary activity in Morocco”
“800 missionaries in Morocco. Casablanca at the forefront”
“Said Oujibou: A Moroccan running a campaign to evangelize Moroccans in France”
“Missionaries target the hearts of Moroccans”
Though Satan is attacking God is still working. Attendance in church services is actually growing. God is working in the hearts of new believers to make them more bold as they learn the Word of God.
Some churches have stopped having services but others are seeing God’s blessings.
Pray for faith in times of fear for these believers
Pray that the missionaries and believers will reject the thoughts of the accuser and hear the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

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