06 September 2012

Healthy Attitudes Toward Muslims

I have been reading a book entitled Engaging Islam by Georges Houssney.  One part I thought might be helpful to share to other Christians.

Ways to have healthy attitudes toward Muslims:

1 - We must see Muslims as individuals and distinguish between Islam as a system and Muslims as people.
2 - We must recognize both the good and bad in Islam and Muslims.
3 - We must love Muslims while hating the lies that keep them in captivity.
4 - We must see the lostness of Muslims with a heart of compassion not contempt.
5 - We must be innocent as doves and wise as serpents.

*just to make sure I must include a disclaimer. Books I mention on this blog I may or may not agree with fully. There is always something to learn: good or bad. Eat the fish and spit out the bones.