15 November 2013

Contagious Chain

I serve an amazing God!! This story caught my attention and I really enjoyed reading it. It's so easy to miss links in people's lives. Take a look at how God created a chain reaction going on for inspiring people to reach the world. Read it here.

One thought to add:
How many others were influenced that we don't know about? Just something to ponder.

16 October 2013

Not Just Pots and Pans

I brought a few pots and pans with me to North Africa. These are not just any pots and pans. These are Pampered Chef pots and pans. But that’s not the greatest thing about them. The greatest thing is the story behind these pots and pans.

When I was just out of college and teaching at a Christian academy,  I had the opportunity to be the girls dorm supervisor of a small college. I would live in the house with them. The problem was I had nothing. No household items at all. I didn’t have any extra money to purchase anything either - I did mention teaching at a Christian Academy, right??  I remember praying “how am I going to move out without even pots and pans to cook in?”

This was right around the time the fair came to town. Our church always has a booth at the fair to witness and invite people to church. During a break one night at the fair, I went to the booths and one was a Pampered Chef booth. I spoke to the ladies, got a recipe (always good, right?) and entered to win a brand new set of pots and pans. After I filled out the card, I prayed the Lord would allow me to win them. Strangest thing, I knew God was going to give them to me. I don’t know why, I just knew. I guess you can just call it confident faith. 

A few weeks later I get a phone call saying I won the pots and pans. I think the lady was a little disappointed because I wasn’t surprised. I know, what a let down. The Lord gave me a set of non-stick pots and pans. One caveat, they couldn’t be put in the dishwasher. They cleaned up so easily it really didn’t bother me. 

Fast forward to moving to North Africa. They do have pots and pans here - and I didn’t bring all the ones I won from Pampered Chef. One thing that is really nice about them: they clean up easily and can’t be put in a dishwasher. Well, that’s good since I’m not going to have a dishwasher here - the Lord took care of even the smallest detail. Ok, the guys might not care about this, but I sure do!

Each time I look at those pots and pans, I remember how the Lord provided. It’s a gentle reminder that the Lord knows and the Lord cares even about something so simple as pots and pans.

08 October 2013

First Impressions

I’ve officially been here for 17 days. Some first impressions of living here:
  • things aren’t necessarily better or worse, just different
  • it takes time to figure things out
  • it takes time to find things you like/don’t like (like Marwa water is the best tasting)
  • traffic is bad
  • there aren’t many traffic laws except don’t run a red light - our taxi driver got a ticket for running a red light (yes, the first time a friend and I went out by ourselves this happened)
  • some frustration comes from just having to change. We are creatures of habit. Something as simple as there not being Aussie Volumizing Shampoo or Tresumme, or almost anything familiar. You have to try all new products.
  • laundry takes longer - no dryer and the washer is smaller
  • there are many restaurants and you can get food to go, since there really isn’t any fast food
  • I don’t stick out as much here compared to the other country in North Africa I’ve been to - I don’t get stared at constantly.
  • many things are not necessarily about NOT being in the States
  • being sick is no fun in the states and it’s no fun elsewhere either
  • it will be really nice when all my furniture is in place and I have somewhere to sit other than my borrowed bed and everything is not in piles on the floor. (again, this happens when you move in the States too)
  • it is really nice to be able to walk to a small grocery store
  • it is NOT really nice to try to carry really heavy bags of groceries home from said grocery store
  • prices on many things are more expensive here
  • furniture is very modern - not really my style

22 August 2013

How Many Non-Christians Do You Personally Know?

Let's turn the above question around and make it a bit more personal. How many non-Christians KNOW you are a Christian? and not just culturally?  I read the below article and it really resonated with me. If we are indeed supposed to be salt and light, we need to be in un-salted and light-less areas. These areas apply worldwide. Mostly worldwide actually - and some in the US. What will it take for us to get out of our bubble and try to break into another bubble? (you'll understand the bubble when you read the article)

Read the article here: The Craziest Statistic You'll Read About North American Missions

**I really enjoyed this article, but of course need a disclaimer. Just because one article on a particular website it good, it doesn't mean that every single article is good. Just because I post a link to a certain article does not mean I endorse this ministry, man, website, Bible version...I hope you get the idea. Eat the fish; spit out the bones.

06 July 2013

10 Things Every Christian Should Know About Islam

There are many misconceptions about Islam and Muslims in America. Here is a great article I just read about some things Christians should know. Pay special attention to #9.

**I really enjoyed this article, but of course need a disclaimer. Just because one article on a particular website it good, it doesn't mean that every single article is good. Just because I post a link to a certain article does not mean I endorse this ministry, man, website, Bible version...I hope you get the idea. Eat the fish; spit out the bones.

28 June 2013

Another Travel Tip

If you wear contacts, you probably have several of these lying around...

This is great for toiletries you don't use much of...such as moisturizer, foundation, etc. If you need to fly, it's especially great! I know I just keep moisturizer in mine and throw it in my make up bag. I just refill it as needed.

**one tip: try this a few weeks before you plan to go anywhere. You can find out exactly how much you go through in one week, or how long it will last.

17 June 2013

Travel Tips

Summertime! Time for traveling.

Whether it be a mission trip, vacation, or whatever, there is always room for improvement. Every person has their own ways of doing things, a unique personality. This applies to the way they travel as well.  I have found some very useful tips along my ____ thousands of miles driving across this country. Here is one of the most ingenious things I've done...

What??? Ingenious? Why, yes! Just throw a simple over-the-door hook into your suitcase. You'll be AMAZED at how often you use it.

  • hanging a towel
  • hanging freshly ironed clothes
  • hanging a coat
  • hanging a bathroom bag (like the one I use)

I almost always get this out and use it wherever I go. I got this one from dollar general for $2...one of the best $2 I've spent for traveling! 

05 June 2013

Reaching Muslims with the Gospel of God: An Interview with Abdul Saleeb

I read a very interesting article about reaching Muslims from a Christian who converted from Islam. I thought it was fabulous actually. I really appreciate the answers to the questions that were given him, especially one question about dreams. In the Muslim world, you hear many people talk about dreams and their part in getting them to Christ. What should we think of it? I think his answer is great.

Here is the link to the article: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/reaching-muslims-gospel-god/

**I really enjoyed this article, but of course need a disclaimer. Just because one article on a particular website it good, it doesn't mean that every single article is good. In fact, this is the first article I've read on this website. Just because I post a link to a certain article does not mean I endorse this ministry, man, website, Bible version...I hope you get the idea. Eat the fish; spit out the bones.

23 May 2013

Praying for Muslims

1.5 billion lost souls. That's 1,500 Million...that's MORE than the entire population of Europe and the USA combined.

The Muslim world is desperately  in need of your prayers. Sometimes there is so much that needs to be done and prayed for it is overwhelming. When thinking about praying for the Muslim people I think of three areas: the lost, the believers, and the laborers.

Praying for Muslims

Wow - this can be a big area. I think first we must pray for their hearts to be softened to hear the Gospel. Muslims from birth are basically indoctrinated against Christianity.  Pray that they will see God's true character. They do not understand a God of love Who wants a relationship with His children. Pray for them to saved. Pray for them not to fear what man can do, but what dying without Christ will do. Many Muslims do not get saved because of pressure from their family or community.

Praying for the believers. 

Pray for them to grow. Pray for them not to fear. In Islamic countries, there can be much persecution against Christians. I know it varies from country to country and even area to area within those countries what that persecution is like. It can range from not being able to find work, having your family cast you out, or being arrested. Pray for God to grant them His peace and grace. Pray for them to be bold. I can tell you that one pastor in North Africa is one of the boldest witnesses for Christ I have ever met.  It is a joy to see.

Pray for the laborers. 

There are 168 million people in just 5 countries of Northern Africa. There are about 400 million in the Middle East. These areas need more laborers to take the Gospel message and plant churches. How shall they hear without a preacher?

*Just a quick additional thought:  how about praying for ourselves? Let's pray God would let us see the Muslim people through His eyes. Pray that God would give us compassion in place of fear and prejudice.

27 March 2013

The Greatest Message

Guest Post by Ben Johnson
The days leading up to Easter are wonderful days to reflect and meditate on the death and resurrection of Christ. It was during this week some 2,000 years ago that Christ was beaten, marched up Calvary and crucified. A death on a cross was nothing new. Many died at the hands of Roman soldiers nailing them to two pieces of wood. But when it came to Christ, no one died like He died.
He did not just endure the death of the cross, He endured the wrath of God on sin. On that cross, the holy and perfect one was punished for the unrighteous and wretched ones. He took our punishment willingly as a sheep to the slaughter. It was on that cross that He bore our sins and iniquities. A great and amazing transaction took place on Calvary that day.
But He didn’t stay dead. After three days in the tomb, He arose victorious over death, hell and the grave. By rising again, He showed us that the debt had been paid in full. So now as when we place our faith in Christ, His punishment on the cross is credited to us as payment for our sins. We are now viewed as holy and righteous. We are complete in Christ.
There is no greater message than that. There is no more exciting news than that and we are given the honor and privilege of telling people that message! We can tell them that the sins they so desperately try to pay for can be paid in full through faith in Christ. There is no more important job that we have been given than to get this message to the world. It is what we are called to do.
If we had the cure for all cancer then we would do our best to promote it and get it to everyone we could. But what we have is better than a cure for cancer! Cancer can only kill the body but not the soul. A cure can only save the body but only the Gospel can save the soul.

Read more by Ben Johnson here.

19 March 2013

A Quick Look at...Egypt

  • Population – 80,335,036
  • Religion – Islam: 90%, Coptic: 9%, Christian: 1%
  • Government—Republic
  • Size - slightly larger than 3 times the size of New Mexico

Places to Visit in Egypt:
  • Pryamids in Giza
  • Luxor
  • Red Sea

**All images are from the CIA World Factbook

12 March 2013

A Quick Look At...Libya

  • Population – 6,036,914
  • Religion – Islam: 97%, Other 3%
  • Government— In Transition
  • Size - slightly larger than Alaska

Places to visit in Libya:
  • Cyrene   - Greek Archeological site
  • Leptis Magna - Roman archeological site, some of the best Roman ruins

**All images are from the CIA World Factbook

05 March 2013

A Quick Look At...Tunisia

  • Population – 10,276,158
  • Religion – Islam: 98%, Christian: 1%, Jewish and Other: 1%
  • Government—Republic
  • Size - Slightly larger than Georgia

Places to visit in Tunisia:

  • Carthage - ancient city with Roman ruins
  • Southern Tunisia - where 4 of the Star Wars Movies were filmed
  • Hotel Sidi Driss - sleep in Luke Skywalker's home

**All images are from CIA World Factbook

26 February 2013

A Quick Look At...Algeria

  • Population – 35,406,303
  • Religion – Islam: 99%, Christian & Jewish: 1%
  • Government—Republic
  • Size - a little less than 3.5 times the size of Texas 

Places to visit in Algeria
  • Algiers - Notre Dame d'Afrique, the largest cathedral in Africa
  • Le Jardin d'Essai du Hamma - Gardens
  • Le Bastion 23 - Palais des Rais, a palace

*Images are from the CIA World Factbook

07 February 2013

A Quick Look At...Morocco

  • Population – 34,139,792
  • Religion – Islam: 98.7%, Christian: 1.1%, Jewish: 0.2%
  • Government—Constitutional Monarchy
  • Size - slightly larger than California

Places to Visit in Morocco:
  • Fez - Cultural Capital
  • Marrekech - Tourist Area
  • Casablanca - Hassan II Mosque, third largest mosque in the world

**images and facts from the CIA world factbook

31 January 2013

The Countries of North Africa - Overview

When most people think of "Africa," they think of safaris, malaria, grubs, lions, zebras and giraffes. There is a section of Africa that is more Middle Eastern than typically African. It's the Northern section. This little thing called the Sahara Desert separates what we typically think of Africa and the northern, more Middle Eastern Africa. It's full of ancient history (Egypt, for instance - yes, African country) . People define the section called "North Africa" differently, but I want to share a few things about the countries of North Africa in the next few blog posts. Did you realize Egypt was an African country? Is it surprising that these countries are more "Middle Eastern" than "African?"


  •  North Africa is 2,400 miles across (the US is about 3,000 miles across)
  • Population: approx. 168 Million
  • Mediterranean Sea to the North
  • Sahara Desert is to the South
  • Atlantic Ocean is the Western Boundary
  • Red Sea is the Eastern Boundary
  • Climate: summers are hot and dry, winters are mild and rainy