05 June 2013

Reaching Muslims with the Gospel of God: An Interview with Abdul Saleeb

I read a very interesting article about reaching Muslims from a Christian who converted from Islam. I thought it was fabulous actually. I really appreciate the answers to the questions that were given him, especially one question about dreams. In the Muslim world, you hear many people talk about dreams and their part in getting them to Christ. What should we think of it? I think his answer is great.

Here is the link to the article: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/reaching-muslims-gospel-god/

**I really enjoyed this article, but of course need a disclaimer. Just because one article on a particular website it good, it doesn't mean that every single article is good. In fact, this is the first article I've read on this website. Just because I post a link to a certain article does not mean I endorse this ministry, man, website, Bible version...I hope you get the idea. Eat the fish; spit out the bones.

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