17 June 2008

Some Morning You'll Find Me Touring That City

I don't always have an internet connection, so I'll try to update several days. Here's Saturday.

Today we just got on buses (groups of 2 girls and one or two guys) and went around the city. Our goal was to meet people, try to talk to them and develop a relationship. Also, we were to try to find our way around the city to get our bearings. WOW! At first, honestly, I was a little skeptical. I really hadn’t met a person here yet and wasn’t sure how they would respond to me (the white skin, strange dress, and blue eyes really gives away the fact that I don’t live here LOL). The other girl and I decided to sit apart to try to get someone to sit next to us. It worked! The ladies here are very nice – they will try to communicate even if it doesn’t go very well. The first lady I was able to talk to spoke English fairly well, and we were able to carry on a conversation for a while. We exchanged e-mail addresses – pray that I can really develop a relationship with her and will be able to tell her the gospel! We also were able to invite some more ladies to English class – pray they will be able to come. I am amazed at how many languages everyone here speaks. More often than not they speak 2, 3 or even 4 languages! I’ve been butchering some French to try and communicate with many people – I think I can get the point across about English class, but I’m not very sure how well.

One thing Saturday taught me is the need for communication. That may sound very obvious, but it put a burden on my heart to learn the language to be able to talk to people. Limited language limits your witness. It brings to mind the scripture in Romans 10:14 “…and how shall they hear without a preacher?” If the preacher can’t speak their language, how shall they hear?

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