1.5 billion lost souls. That's 1,500 Million...that's MORE
than the entire population of Europe and the USA combined.
The Muslim world is desperately in need of your prayers. Sometimes there is so
much that needs to be done and prayed for it is overwhelming. When thinking
about praying for the Muslim people I think of three areas: the lost, the
believers, and the laborers.
Praying for Muslims
Wow - this can be a big area. I
think first we must pray for their hearts to be softened to hear the Gospel.
Muslims from birth are basically indoctrinated against Christianity. Pray that they will see God's true character.
They do not understand a God of love Who wants a relationship with His
children. Pray for them to saved. Pray for them not to fear what man can do,
but what dying without Christ will do. Many Muslims do not get saved because of
pressure from their family or community.
Praying for the believers.
Pray for them to grow. Pray
for them not to fear. In Islamic countries, there can be much persecution
against Christians. I know it varies from country to country and even area to
area within those countries what that persecution is like. It can range from
not being able to find work, having your family cast you out, or being
arrested. Pray for God to grant them His peace and grace. Pray for them to be
bold. I can tell you that one pastor in North Africa is one of the boldest
witnesses for Christ I have ever met. It is a
joy to see.
Pray for the laborers.
There are 168 million people in
just 5 countries of Northern Africa. There are about 400 million in the Middle
East. These areas need more laborers to take the Gospel message and plant
churches. How shall they hear without a preacher?
*Just a quick additional thought: how about praying for ourselves? Let's pray
God would let us see the Muslim people through His eyes. Pray that God would
give us compassion in place of fear and prejudice.