One year ago I had my first meeting. It was a missions conference - my first missions conference, and my first time presenting what I would be doing in North Africa. I look back from a year later and am so grateful for what God has done and how God has changed me in the past year. Everything gets easier the more you do it, but getting to that point takes awhile. I remember hoping that my shaking couldn’t be heard in my voice as I faltered through my first presentation. I am so thankful for University Baptist Church in Atlanta and their loving spirit as they encouraged me. The Lord was so gracious to allow me to have my first meeting among friends.
I see so many different ways the Lord has grown me over the year. I am still me, not eloquent in words, but God has polished me in many ways. I am always nervous to get up in front of people to speak, but hardly shake anymore. My presentation doesn’t always flow well and many times I forget that certain way to say something poignant. Overall, I can see that my presentation is far better than that first time.
Instead of looking at a church in fear, now I can look at the potential friends I will make and potential prayer warriors to enlist (not to mention potential support to get me to North Africa – a necessary evil unfortunately). Each church is unique. One thing that never even began to cross my mind about deputation was leaving a church once you built a relationship with those people. In a missions conference, you have 3 days or more to get to know the people, make friends, and share burdens with one another. Then it’s time to move on to the next meeting. I may not get to see this church again for years. I never anticipated the sadness of leaving after having met such wonderful people.
God has used this past year to teach me so many things. Just comparing that first presentation to the one I gave Wednesday night, what a huge difference! I am so thankful that the Lord chooses to use people who are not perfect, just willing to be molded.