26 February 2010

Weekly Update

What a great week! God has blessed in so many ways. First, I had 2 meetings this past week: one at Ridgeway Baptist Church in Commerce, GA, and also a mission conference at Rest Haven Baptist Church in Buford, GA. The mission conference theme was “Investing in Eternity.” This conference really challenged me about my own giving to missions. I give, but I need to be more in prayer about what God would have me to give by faith and not what I necessarily think I can afford. Each and every dollar I invest here on earth will someday pass away, but those I invest in missions will last through eternity. I am so thankful that I have something greater than this world to invest in.

In January, I was able to drop into Murrayville Baptist Church in Murrayville, GA. The pastor allowed me to give a quick testimony during the service. Afterwards, a lady came to me and asked if I could speak to their ladies meeting this month. Wow! I was so excited.  I have been asked to teach Sunday School before, but never asked to speak at a ladies meeting. Well, last night was the night of the ladies meeting. I was so nervous, I flew through the lesson – it went much faster than I anticipated. I guess it is always better to be a little shorter than a little longer. Afterwards they even gave me a love offering! I did not expect that at all, and I am very thankful. God provided what I needed. It is so easy for me to begin to worry about money, but each and every time God provides. I have nothing to worry about.

Prayer Requests:
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Safety when traveling
  • Muslim Majority Country of the week: Bangladesh Population: 156 million Religion: 83% Muslim

19 February 2010

Weekly Update

God is so good! I stand amazed just to think of all He does for me. Dying for me was more than enough, yet in addition He chooses to bless me in so many ways. I dropped into a church in Fayetteville, GA last week. After the service, he came to me and asked if I had an opening in March. He said if I did I could join them for their mission conference. Praise the Lord – I did have an opening. I am really excited to have the opportunity to go back and be a small part of the “From the Cross, Through the Church, To the World” conference at Kenwood First Baptist Church.

This week I had my first car almost break down scenario. Yes – almost. I had a meeting a couple hours away on Sunday night, so my mom and I dropped into a church on the way. We park and wait for people to arrive to go inside. About 5 minutes til Sunday School was to begin, no one was there. We thought they might have cancelled church altogether, so perhaps we should get to another church in the area (and quickly). My car wouldn’t start. We called our roadside assistance and were waiting when someone drove up. He let us know that they were having church, but had cancelled Sunday school just to make sure any ice left on the roads would have melted. We told him our car trouble and we thought we would try to crank it up to let him hear what was going on to confirm our suspisions. The car started! That afternoon we were able to switch cars with my dad just to make sure we could make it to my meeting that night. Plus, my dad was able to fix the starter for a grand total of…$1. He works at a starter/alternator rebuilder shop. Praise the Lord! So many things could have gone wrong in that situation, but God has truly blessed!

For those who have been reading this, last time I wrote about being in Ohio for a month in October. God has allowed me to book at least one meeting per week while I’m there. I am really excited about how God has blessed and things are progressing. Thank you so for all of your prayers! 

Prayer Requests:
  • The Tolson Family - click here to read about the baby and how you can pray better for them
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Muslim Majority Country of the week: Pakistan
    • Population: 173 Million
    • 97% Islam

12 February 2010

Resting in God's Provision

I have the privilege of being in a very close friend’s wedding in October.  Since I will already be in Ohio for the wedding, I have been praying about the possibility of getting meetings there for at least a couple of weeks, if not for the month. So far, I have been able to send out a lot of information to pastors about what I will be doing in North Africa, but have not scheduled many meetings.  Another thing I have been praying about is scheduling meetings on Wednesday nights. The most common meeting I schedule is for the Sunday Night service, but I have been praying to get some Wednesday night meetings. Praise the Lord! This week He gave me a meeting on a Wednesday night in Ohio!  What an answer to prayer!

Not only is this an answer to prayer, but it ties directly in with what I have been reading for my devotions. Right now I am reading in Exodus. The children of Israel have just come through an amazing set of miracles: the plagues, being set free, walking on dry (not muddy) ground through the Red Sea, and watching the Egyptian army crushed beneath the waters where they had just walked. Not a week goes by before they are murmuring that they should have stayed in bondage in Egypt, because they would have water and food there. God provided manna each morning. They were allowed to gather enough for that day, but no more (except the day before the Sabbath). They had to trust Him each and every day for their food. No pantry with food in it for them; just that day’s provision.

The Lord used this story to remind me of where my provision comes from. It does not come from me, other people, or churches. He is the one Who provides. I must trust Him for my EVERY need, and I must trust Him daily. He promised that He would meet our needs, and I must rest in His promise.

Prayer Requests:
  • Schedule a full month in Ohio
  • Lord to continue to use me while on deputation to bring Him glory
  • Muslim Majority country of the week: Indonesia. Population: 240 million, 86.1% Muslim                    click here for more information on Indonesia

05 February 2010

Tap, Tap, Tap...Is This Thing On?

It’s been awhile, to say the least. Well, it’s time to start this blog back up and running. Much has happened since my trip to North Africa.

A new year has come, bringing many new opportunities. In December, I took a step of faith and quit my job in order to begin full-time deputation. I am heading back to North Africa as a HELPS ministry. I will be working under Tyler and Gretchen Masters and focusing on a ladies ministry. I am so thankful God allows me to serve Him. I know God is faithful and will bless this time of preparation for the field.

Though I just started full time deputation, I did begin part time deputation in the fall while continuing to work full time. In the past few months, I have had the privilege of visiting many churches and meeting dozens of people who have greatly encouraged me. I am grateful for the prayer partners God has given me. I am very thankful, and deeply humbled by the many prayers being lifted up daily on my behalf.

Right now I am calling daily to set up meetings to present what I’ll be doing in North Africa. This week the Lord has blessed tremendously! I was able to book several meetings, including my first meeting of 2012!  If you would, please keep me in your prayers as I work towards raising the support I need to get to North Africa.

Prayer Requests:
·      * Calendar to be filled and support raised
·      * The Masters Family – they will be leaving for Spain possibly as soon as next month. Click here to read their blog and keep updated with their progress.
·       * People of North Africa – God will soften their hearts to hear the gospel and be saved
·       * Believers in North Africa – growth and protection
·      * Laborers to be raised up in North Africa and around the world
·       * God will use me to bring Him glory